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Traditional food

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  • The typical dishes are the “enchiladas huastecas” & “enchiladas potosinas”.
  • The traditional and delicious dishes are:
    • “Caldo Huasteco”: vegetable soup
    • “Guiso Borracho”: this is a stew with variety of meats, vegetables, spices & and made with Pulque.
    • “Zacahuil”: a giant tamal that can measure 2 meters
    • “Asado de boda”: stew that is prepared with the base of the Chile Poblano, it´s spice, and has chopped pork.
    • And you can't miss the delicious “Fiambre Potosino”, “pastel indio”, “pancita”, “carnitas”, “chicharrón”, “gorditas de cuajada”, “chalupas”, etc.
  • Some traditional drinks are the “Colonche”: extracted of the fermentation of the Tuna; and the “Aguamiel”.
  • The traditional dresses are the “Panecitos de Pulque” and the “Gelatina de tuna”.
  • The typical sweets and chocolates are the “Tornillos” (hard chocolate with milk), “Esponjas” (Marshmallow covered with dark chocolate), “Tablilla roja” (hard chocolate with milk), “Nuez encanelada” (Walnut covered with caramel syrup and cinnamon.), “Jalea de corazón” (strawberry flavor gomy) and “Rebanada de tirrón” (Nougat pasta with raisins covered with caramel and nut).
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